Spesifikasi Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A11
Spesifikasi samsung galaxy a11 dilengkapi rear triple camera dengan kamera utama 13mp. selanjutnya, terdapat lensa ultra wide 5mp untuk hasil gambar yang terlihat lebih luas, serta lensa depth 2mp yang memiliki pengaturan bokeh (live bokeh) yang bisa disesuaikan tergantung dengan selera pengguna. Compare nokia 7. 2 vs samsung galaxy a11 sizes against each other in real-time with our phone size comparison tool. with our phone size comparison tool, you can compare devices side-by-side or in a layered view on top of each other. the size comparison tool can be calibrated by matching the size of a. The smartphone market is full of great phones, but not every cellphone is equal. some are better for capturing video and playing it back than others. some phones make editing your videos spesifikasi smartphone Samsung Galaxy A11 easier and others have features exclusive to them. when you’re checking out the prices of smartphones the lg v30. Samsung kembali perkenalkan seri terbaru untuk lini ga